Is a wayfinding app for shopping so people can get in and out of the store and back to their lives.

Role: Product Designer/UX Researcher, User Testing, UX Designer
Team: Solo
Timeline: 10 weeks
Deliverables: MVP for a mobile app
Tools: Figma, Marvel, Pen and paper, After Effects.
Problem Space
Let me ask you a question?
How many times have you gone to a grocery store and end up with a cart full of stuff you dont need?
Supermarket Design is terrible, it’s made to keep people in the store longer so
they do more impulse buying.
I believe people are frustrated with the navigating grocery store aisles and want to be able to find items they need more efficiently.
Participants expressed how confusing the grocery store can be and how items never seem to be where you would think they should be.

Next Steps
Look into leasing out a commercial version of the app for companies to track and find items in their warehouse.
Make a companion app for delivery drivers, so they can find their items quicker and cut down on lost time.